*La version française de ce texte suivra. The authentic leader cultivates her/his entirety and abandons what’s blocking her/him. Here’s a short list of 10 instructions to help you in this quest. Dans la visée du leader authentique, il faut apprendre à cultiver son entièreté et abandonner ce qui nous bloque. Voici une courte liste de …
Understand the context // Comprendre le contexte
*La version française de ce texte suivra. Being a good communicator is also being conscious of where you are and who are you with. In a professional context, let’s say a team meeting, the discussions are most of the time about solving problems and making decisions. In that situation, you need to be able to …
Curiosity // Curiosité
*La version française de ce texte suivra. The next person to write down “curiosity” under the section qualities in her/his resume, I’ll hire her/him! Why? Curiosity is the best human quality of all time! This is what makes you question the world, try new things and not being afraid of changes. It is your …
Charismawhat? // Charismaquoi?
We have all already felt an attraction for someone in our entourage. Someone with whom it feels good and who makes us feel good. We will often use the term charismatic to define them. Can we become charismatic? The answer is yes. Here are the main qualities that define charismatic people: Positivism : See the …
Building strong relationships is not easy // Créer des relations solides, c’est pas si simple
*La version française de ce texte suivra. Who is Simon Sinek? He is the author of Start with Why, a Ted Talks speaker and simply one of the most influential personalities in regard of communication in 2017. In the video above, which has been seen more than 6 million times in recent months, a short section …
Cooperative, not competitive // Coopératif, pas compétitif
*La version française de ce texte suivra. “We’ve tried it in the past and it didn’t work out.” If you are a manager/coach/director, it is essential to listen carefully to what your team has to say. Don’t close the door because of your past experiences. The markets evolve, the methods change and the ways are …
There is no absolute truth // Il n’existe pas de vérité absolue
*La version française de ce texte suivra. Be indulgent When you talk to someone and her/his opinion is different than yours, don’t react too quick. Think about that : We possess 3 filters on which we base our reactions – This is called our reality : Genetics : Represented by all our senses : Touch, vision, hearing, …
Convincing is wrong / Convaincre c’est mal
*La version française de ce texte suivra. Convincing is wrong X : “The Tesla is the best buy you can do!” Y : “The problem is that I have 4 kids” When you try to convince, you miss on the essential: the trust relationship. By asking open-ended questions – how, why, what – you …
You already know that // Ça, tu le sais déjà
*La version française de ce texte suivra. How to create a dynamic discussion and how to make your interlocutor feel appreciated? Weather discussion – The mistake I frequently hear this basic mistake that normaly occurs at the very beginning of a new conversation. I name this mistake the weather discussion — “I’m pretty sure it will rain …
The Mirror Game // Le Jeu du Mirroir
*La version française de ce texte suivra. Before starting a conversation with someone, you need to understand how to approach her/him. First thing first, let me tell you something real quick : forget everything you could have learned if you worked in a call center, and if your only ability to communicate to date …